Maria Auxiliadora: daily life, painting and resistance

Edited by:

Adriano Pedrosa; Fernando Oliva

Texts by:

Adriano Pedrosa; Amanda Carneiro; Artur Santoro; Fernando Oliva; Frederico Morais; Isabel Gasparri; João Candido Galvão; Karen E. Quinn; Lélia Coelho Frota; Lilia Moritz Schwarcz; Lucienne Peiry; Mário Schenberg; Marta Mestre; Mirella Santos Maria; Pietro Maria Bardi; Renata Bittencourt; Renata Aparecida Felinto dos Santos; Roberto Canduru

Brochura, 20,5x27,5cm, 288p, inglês, MASP, 2018


ISBN 978-85-310-0043-0

The exhibition <em>Maria Auxiliadora: daily life, painting and resistance</em> – part of the cycle dedicated to the <em>Afro-Atlantic Histories</em> – rescues 82 works from the self-educated artist who painted scenes off the African-Brazilian daily life and culture, all of which are featured within the catalogue together with several other works, rarities found during the research process - composing the most complete publication about Maria Auxiliadora released thus far. The exhibition intends to renew the interest on the artist's singular production, expanding the comprehension on her life and work beyond labels. The catalogue brings twelve unpublished essays, three republications of historical texts e one biographical note.